Saturday, June 27, 2009

Good-Bye to the Gloved One

Wow. I can't believe Michael Jackson is gone. Only fifty years old--so sad. I still have my Thriller album in my closet. I would get it out and listen to it but it would be too sad. I have heard lots of mean things said about MJ even after his death, but mostly by people who are younger and did not grow up with his music and videos. They've only seen the "later" Michael, the "Wacko Jacko" of the media. I wish they could've known the thrill and awe that people felt (including me) when he danced and sang. His videos were so cool for their time. So, no matter what everyone else is saying, to me he seemed very soft spoken, timid and kind. I feel like a part of history is no longer with us and that he is leaving a void that can never be filled.

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